Zineb Mahcene, Zoubida Mahcene, Kamilia Bireche, Fateh Serdouk
Zineb Mahcene1*, Zoubida Mahcene2, Kamilia Bireche3, Fateh Serdouk4
1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences, Department of Biological sciences, Lab of Protecting Ecosystems in Arid and Semi Arid areas., Ouargla 30000, Algeria.
2Faculty of Economics, Commercial Sciences and Management, Department of economic sciences, Ouargla 30000, Algeria.
3Faculty of Mathematics and Science of Matter, Department of Biological sciences, Lab of Valorization and Promotion of Saharan Resources, Ouargla 30000, Algeria.
4Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management sciences, Department of Chimical Sciences, El oued 39000, Algeria.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 6,
Year - 2020
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Zineb Mahcene, Zoubida Mahcene, Kamilia Bireche, Fateh Serdouk. Socioeconomic valorization and development of a bio-fungicide from essential oils of four Algerian aromatic and medicinal plants: Artemisia herba alba Asso, Mentha pulegium L, Rosmarinus officinalis L and Ocimum basilicum L. Asian J. Research Chem. 2020; 13(6):473-484. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2020.00084.X