The extraction of chromium (VI) from hydrochloric, sulphuric, and phosphoric acidsolutions with Tri benzylamine (TBA) in chloroform has been studied. The extractions from hydrochloric and sulphuric acid solutions are nearly quantitative and are partial from phosphoric acid solutions. The optimum conditions for extraction were established from the study of the effect of several variables like– concentration of amine, metal ion, acidity, foreign ions etc. The extracted species are identified. The method has been applied for the recovery and determination of chromium in real as well as synthetic samples.
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A.V.L.N.S.H. Hariharan, J. Sucharitha. Extraction of Chromium (VI) From Aqueous Acid Solutions by Tribenzylamine. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2010; Page 1035-1037.
A.V.L.N.S.H. Hariharan, J. Sucharitha. Extraction of Chromium (VI) From Aqueous Acid Solutions by Tribenzylamine. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2010; Page 1035-1037. Available on: https://www.ajrconline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2010-3-4-52