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Author(s): Parmesh Kumar Dwivedi, Kishu Tripathi, Mamta Mishra


DOI: Not Available

Address: Parmesh Kumar Dwivedi1, Kishu Tripathi2 and Mamta Mishra3
1Amity University, Lucknow
2Surya College of Pharmacy, Lucknow
3State Public Analytical Laboratory(FDA), Lucknow
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2009

Aminopyrimidine and its derivatives have a great biological importance .In last decades a number of compounds have been synthesized having aminopyrimidine moiety either fused with other ring system or its derivatives. These synthesized compounds show a lot of biological activity like anticancer, antimicrobial, antimalarial, antiviral and various other biological activities having importance in the treatment of diseases. Many reviews on pyrimidine are available but there is no collective information about aminopyrimidines for recent years. The purpose of present review is to provide exhaustive information about the aminopyrimidine as new target of drug synthesis.


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Parmesh Kumar Dwivedi, Kishu Tripathi, Mamta Mishra. The Aminopyrimidines-I. Asian J. Research Chem. 2(4):Oct.-Dec. 2009 page 360-364.

Parmesh Kumar Dwivedi, Kishu Tripathi, Mamta Mishra. The Aminopyrimidines-I. Asian J. Research Chem. 2(4):Oct.-Dec. 2009 page 360-364.   Available on:


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