S. Chandraju, C. Thejovathi, C.S. Chidan Kumar
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S. Chandraju1*, C. Thejovathi1 and C.S. Chidan Kumar2
1Department of Studies in Sugar Technology, Sir M. Vishweswaraya Postgraduate Center, University of Mysore, Tubinakere, Mandya -571402, Karnataka, India
2Department of Chemistry, Bharathi College, Bharathi Nagar-571 422, Mandya Dt. Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2011
Sprouting and growth of Tagetes (Asteraceae) flowering plant was made by irrigated with distillery spentwash of different concentrations. Primary treated spent wash (PTSW) was analyzed for plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and other physical and chemical characteristics. Experimental soil was tested for chemical and physical parameters. Seeds of Tagetes (Asteraceae) were planted in different pots and irrigated with raw water (RW), 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 spentwash. The nature of sprouting and growth was studied. It was found that the sprouting and growth of plant was very good (100%) in 1:3 SW irrigation, while very poor (25%) in 1:1 SW, moderate (80%) in 1:2 SW and 90% in RW irrigation growth.
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S. Chandraju, C. Thejovathi, C.S. Chidan Kumar. Impact of Distillery Spentwash Irrigation on Sprouting and Growth of Tagetes (Asteraceae) Flowering plant. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(10): Oct., 2011; Page 1608-1611.
S. Chandraju, C. Thejovathi, C.S. Chidan Kumar. Impact of Distillery Spentwash Irrigation on Sprouting and Growth of Tagetes (Asteraceae) Flowering plant. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(10): Oct., 2011; Page 1608-1611. Available on: