Alternaria sesami, the incitant of leaf blight of sesame produced toxic metabolite in culture. The toxin produced necrotic symptoms on sesame and tomato seedlings at various concentrations. The maximum inhibition of seed germination and shoot and root length was noticed at 2000 ppm concentration. Least inhibition of root and shoot length was observed at 50 ppm concentration. The infra red analysis of the toxin indicated lot of hydrogen bounded OH group. The nature of the peak indicates that the compound may contain more than two OH groups. Different resistance inducing chemicals were tested for inhibition of growth and induction of resistance. Among them, salicylic acid (10 mM) was effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of A. sesami (68.8%). The least inhibition of mycelial growth was observed in potassium nitrate (55.81%). The resistance inducing chemicals, plant extracts and bioagents when tested in vivo, with challenge inoculation of A. sesami, salicylic acid at one per cent concentration was found to be effective in suppressing the pathogen and resulted in higher vigor index (1138.28), which was followed by P. fluorescens (E) with good germination per cent of 97.35 and vigor index of 1029.85. The higher vigor index obtained in these treatments is mainly due to their support for increased germination, good root and shoots growth by the systemic resistance inducing agents.
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Savitha A.S.*, Naik M.K. , Ajithkumar K.. Alternaria sesami, causing blight of sesame produces toxin and induces the host for systemic resistance. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(9): September, 2012; Page 1176-1181.
Savitha A.S.*, Naik M.K. , Ajithkumar K.. Alternaria sesami, causing blight of sesame produces toxin and induces the host for systemic resistance. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(9): September, 2012; Page 1176-1181. Available on: https://www.ajrconline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2012-5-9-16