Ajay Kumar Meena, Uttam Singh, Arjun Singh, Sudeep Mishra, M. M. Rao, M. M. Padhi, Ramesh Babu, A. Gaurav
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Ajay Kumar Meena1*, Uttam Singh2, Arjun Singh3, Sudeep Mishra3, M. M. Rao1, M. M. Padhi3, Ramesh Babu3 and A. Gaurav2
1National Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Research, Patiala- 147001, Punjab, (India)
2School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shobhit University, Meerut, UP,(India)
3Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), Janakpuri, Delhi-110058
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 6,
Year - 2011
Vitex negundo Linn (Five-leaved chaste tree), Hindi-Nirgundi, Sanskrit-Sindhuvara, Tamil and Malyalam-Vennochi, Telugu-Nalla vavili and Punjabi-Marwan (Family: Verbenaceae), is an important medicinal plant found throughout India. All parts of this plant especially the leaf and root extracts are being used in various formulations in Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. Vitex negundo Linn is pungent, bitter and astringent in taste and according to Ayurveda , it alleviates vata and kapha doshas, but aggravates pitta dosha. It possesses light and dry attributes. Its leaves and seeds are widely used externally for rheumatism and inflammations of joints and also reported to have insecticidal properties. Internally, decoction of its leaves is taken as diuretic, expectorant, vermifuge, tonic and febrifuge. The chemical components of the essential oil of leaf isolated from the plant are used to treat colds and coughing spells. Vitex negundo Linn is used in Classical Ayurvedic Preparations like Nirgundi kalka, Nirgundi ghrta, Nirgundi kvatha, Vranasodhana taila, Visagarbha taila etc. The evaluation studies of Pharmacopoeial standards, phytochemical parameters suggested that the observed physiochemical parameters are of great value in quality control and formulation development of Vitex negundo Linn. Physicochemical parameters like preliminary characteristics, toxic heavy metals, and aflatoxin analysis were carried out. The study revealed that the results on different parameters of the crude drug will be useful in identification and control of adulterations.
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Ajay Kumar Meena, Uttam Singh, Arjun Singh, Sudeep Mishra, M. M. Rao, M. M. Padhi, Ramesh Babu, A. Gaurav. A Comparative Study of the Quality Assessment of Vitex negundo Linn Leaves Collected from Three Different Geographical Locations. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(6): June, 2011; Page 986-989.
Ajay Kumar Meena, Uttam Singh, Arjun Singh, Sudeep Mishra, M. M. Rao, M. M. Padhi, Ramesh Babu, A. Gaurav. A Comparative Study of the Quality Assessment of Vitex negundo Linn Leaves Collected from Three Different Geographical Locations. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(6): June, 2011; Page 986-989. Available on: