An assessment of the water quality of surface and ground water was studied in three different seasons namely summer, premonsoon and winter. Choudwar industrial area i.e Ferro-alloys Unit (IMFA) and its Captive Thermal Power Plant, Air Force Defence Unit (Aviation Research Centre, Government of India) and one major industry i.e. Arati Steel at Ghantikhal towards the west on the bank of river Mahanadi. Four parameters namely pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Fecal Coliform was considered to compute Water Quality Index based on National Sanitation Foundation studies. Our findings highlighting the overall quality of ground water and surface water adjoining the study area except Putoloi (of Birupa) River which remains unaffected in spite of the discharge of effluent water of industrial units located in the study area. However there is deterioration of water quality of few stations due to industrialisation and human activities.
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Pradeepta K. Bhuyan, Pradyusa Samantray, Swoyam P. Rout. Assessment of Quality of Ground Water and Surface Water of Choudwar Area in Cuttack District. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(8): August, 2011; Page 1214-1220.
Pradeepta K. Bhuyan, Pradyusa Samantray, Swoyam P. Rout. Assessment of Quality of Ground Water and Surface Water of Choudwar Area in Cuttack District. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(8): August, 2011; Page 1214-1220. Available on: https://www.ajrconline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2011-4-8-5