Samira Boufas, Mohamed El Hocine Benhamza, Bachir Ben Seghir, Ferdenache Hadria
Samira Boufas, Mohamed El Hocine Benhamza, Bachir Ben Seghir, Ferdenache Hadria
Analysis and Laboratory of Industrial Materials Engineering (LAIGM), University 8 Mai1945 Guelma, Algeria.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2020
Polysaccharide-based biomaterials are a developing class in various fields such as biomedicine, wastewater treatment, functional membranes and flocculation. Most of the polysaccharides are derivative from sources natural; mainly, chitosan (CS), Carrageenan (AG) and Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC). In this work, a number of ternary mixture blends of Chitosan / Carrageenan / Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (CS/AG/HEC) at different ratios (considering Chitosan as the main component) are synthesized, chemically identified and characterized. The optimum mixture ratio for a better gel with significantly higher viscoelastic properties is obtained by an Experimental Design using a model of Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Gels derived under the optimized conditions are found for a given composition percentage equals to 51/42/07 of CS/AG/HEC respectively. Characterization of the optimized gel is performed by Fourier Transform spectroscopy Infrared (FTIR) as well as by Thermal Gravimetric Analysis and Di?erential Scanning Calorimetry (TGA/DSC). The viscoelastic properties of the obtained blended CS gels are also investigated through rheological measurement. CS blended gel FTIR spectrum results comparing to those of each component (i.e. Chitosan, Carrageenan and Hydroxyethyl Cellulose), show from chemical structures that there is an interaction between the three components. The thermal analyses results also suggest that the interaction between Chitosan, Carrageenan and Hydroxyethylcellulose may well occur to form a gel with more stability. And this is confirmed by the highest rate point of the weight loss change revealed on the peak of the first derivative curve; observed at a temperature of 112.42°C. Observations obtained from the rheological measurement also suggested the existence of an interaction between the three polymers, and a pseudo-plastic non-Newtonian behaviour of Chitosan blended gel is revealed. Flow measurements also show that temperatures variations have an effect on the blended gel viscosity. Hence, higher viscosities are found for lower temperatures besides a non-Newtonian behaviour is observed at all temperatures. Furthermore, negative slopes are observed indicating the destruction of internal structure by overcoming the internal forces, thus the blended gel has a shear thinning behavior. Moreover, the absence of a second Newtonian plateau indicates the absence of a complete loss of internal forces, so it may well be assumed that the gel still retains its internal structure in the applied shear rate regime.
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Samira Boufas, Mohamed El Hocine Benhamza, Bachir Ben Seghir, Ferdenache Hadria. Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan/Carrageenan/Hydroxyethyl cellulose blended gels. Asian J. Research Chem. 2020; 13(3):209-215. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2020.00040.1
Samira Boufas, Mohamed El Hocine Benhamza, Bachir Ben Seghir, Ferdenache Hadria. Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan/Carrageenan/Hydroxyethyl cellulose blended gels. Asian J. Research Chem. 2020; 13(3):209-215. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2020.00040.1 Available on:
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