Shaik Kousar, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Peddagundam Babafakruddin, Jyothika Lakunde, Ksheerasagare Tarun
Shaik Kousar, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Peddagundam Babafakruddin, Jyothika Lakunde, Ksheerasagare Tarun
Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) - Autonomous, K.R. Palli Cross, Chiyyedu-515721, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2022
The main objective of the present study is to give a general view of gas-generating floating tablets and past work done on them. The authors gave an overview of gas-generating floating tablets by referring to peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and books. The data so obtained was encrypted and compiled. The outcome of this data is the generation of a literature that helps the researchers quickly refer to the pasty work done on the gastro-retentive floating tablets. The study concludes that the gas generating floating tablets not only increase gastric residence time but also provide a prolonged therapeutic effect.
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Shaik Kousar, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Peddagundam Babafakruddin, Jyothika Lakunde, Ksheerasagare Tarun. Gas Generating Floating Tablets: A Quick Literature Review for the Scholars. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2022; 15(2):171-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00029
Shaik Kousar, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Peddagundam Babafakruddin, Jyothika Lakunde, Ksheerasagare Tarun. Gas Generating Floating Tablets: A Quick Literature Review for the Scholars. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2022; 15(2):171-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00029 Available on:
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