SN Pandeya, Neelottama Maurya, AK Pathak, Swatantra KS Kushwaha
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SN Pandeya1, Neelottama Maurya1*, AK Pathak1 and Swatantra KS Kushwaha2
1Saroj Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow, U.P., INDIA
2Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, U.P., INDIA
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 3,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2010
The discovery of fullerenes has opened a new chapter on the physics and chemistry of carbon. So far, the physical and chemical properties of fullerenes are still under investigation. More research is needed to be done to confirm the suitability of some important application. Some potential applications will need more time for them to become reality. Their unique carbon cage structure coupled with immense scope for derivatization makes fullerenes a potential therapeutic agent. Henceforth chemistry and various potential therapeutic applications of fullerenes have been reviewed in the present paper. These include anti HIV- protease activity, photodynamic DNA cleavage, free radical scavenger, antimicrobial action and use of fullerenes as diagnostic agents.
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SN Pandeya, Neelottama Maurya, AK Pathak, Swatantra KS Kushwaha. Chemistry of Fullerene and It’s Application: a Review. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 234-242.
SN Pandeya, Neelottama Maurya, AK Pathak, Swatantra KS Kushwaha. Chemistry of Fullerene and It’s Application: a Review. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 234-242. Available on: