Ishan I. Panchal, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen, Rakesh S. Parmar, Samir K. Shah
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Ishan I. Panchal1*, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen2, Rakesh S. Parmar1, Samir K. Shah1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, Bakrol, Anand, Gujarat, India 2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy College, Gujarat Technological University, Arvind Baug, Mehsana-384001, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 5,
Issue - 12,
Year - 2012
Current scenario psychological disorders like schizophrenia, mania, multiple personality disorder, anxiety, suicidal tendency, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder are increases day by day worldwide. Schizophrenia is one of the most common disorders affecting large number of people throughout the world. Varied positive and negative symptoms including delusion and hallucination are observed in the patients of schizophrenia. Right now various typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs are available into the market for treatment of symptoms of schizophrenia. All antipsychotic drugs tend to block D2 receptors in the dopamine pathways of the brain. Excess release of dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway has been linked to psychotic experiences. New strategies for treatment of schizophrenia covers Agonists at the glycine and glutamate site of NMDA receptors include the naturally occurring amino acids glycine and D-serine. An analogue of D-serine, called D-cycloserine is also active at the glycine co-agonist site of NMDA receptors. All of these agents have been tested in schizophrenia with evidence that they can reduce negative and/or cognitive symptoms. The GLY-T1 reuptake pump is the major route of inactivation of synaptic glycine, so it is rational to explore the ability of GLY-T1 inhibitors to enhance synaptic actions of glycine, and, thus, of NMDA receptors. GLY-T1 pumps inhibit reuptake of other neurotransmitters which are blocked by a GLY-T1 inhibitor and this increases the synaptic availability of glycine and thus enhances NMDA neurotransmission.
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Ishan I. Panchal, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen, Rakesh S. Parmar, Samir K. Shah. Schizophrenia: Treatment and Future aspects: a Systemic Review. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(12): Dec., 2012; Page 1503-1512.
Ishan I. Panchal, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen, Rakesh S. Parmar, Samir K. Shah. Schizophrenia: Treatment and Future aspects: a Systemic Review. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(12): Dec., 2012; Page 1503-1512. Available on: