M. Santhi, A. Rathinavelu, M. Sathya, S. Ananthakumar
M. Santhi1*, A. Rathinavelu1, M. Sathya2, S. Ananthakumar3
1Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Erode ARTS and Science College, Erode-638 009, T.N. India.
2Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Nandha College of Technology, Erode-638052, T.N. India.
3M. Phil. Research Scholar, Erode Arts and Science College, Erode-638 009, T.N. India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2018
The synthesis of Leucine and ß-alanine mixed (LA) single crystals done under low temperature slow evaporation solution growth method. The synthesized crystals characters are studied using XRD, FT-IR, SEM, and UV-VISIBLE Processes. XRD studies are used to carry out the crystallographic analysis. FT-IR studies are used to observe the functional groups of leucine and ß-alanine mixed crystals. SEM studies are used to study the morphological identification. UV-VISIBLE studies are used to study the optical absorbance analysis.
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M. Santhi, A. Rathinavelu, M. Sathya, S. Ananthakumar. Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies on Leucine and Β-Alanine Mixed (La) single Crystal by Slow Evaporation Method. Asian J. Research Chem. 2018; 11(4):751-754. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2018.00132.3
M. Santhi, A. Rathinavelu, M. Sathya, S. Ananthakumar. Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies on Leucine and Β-Alanine Mixed (La) single Crystal by Slow Evaporation Method. Asian J. Research Chem. 2018; 11(4):751-754. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2018.00132.3 Available on: