Chouikh A, Houba Z, Himeur H, Alia F, Adjal E
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Chouikh A1, Houba Z2, Himeur H3, Alia F, Adjal E4
1Laboratory Biology, Environment and Health (LBEH), El Oued University, Algeria.
2Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, El Oued University, Algeria Cellular and Molecular Biology Department, El Oued University, BP 789 El-Oued (39000).
3Algeria Cellular and Molecular Biology Department, El Oued University, BP 789 El-Oued (39000), Algeria.
4Laboratory Biology, Environment and Health (LBEH), El Oued University, Algeria
Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, El Oued University, Algeria Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, El Oued University, Algeria.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2021
The aim of this work is a phytochemical study, antioxidant activity and Chromatographic Analysis by HPLC of extracts of the female cones of Ephedra alata DC. Which grows in Oued Souf region (South East of Algeria). According to the results obtained from the estimation of polyphenols and flavonoids content, the methanolic extract has the best content of polyphenols (158.34±2.71mg GAE/g Extract), and the best values of flavonoids (88.50±1.12mg QE/g Extract). The chromatographic analysis by HPLC has identified eight phenolic compounds, which are Gallic Acid, Chlorogenic acid, Vanillic Acid, Vanillin, p-Coumaric acid, Rutin, Naringenin and Quercitin. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by three tests: DPPH• free-radical scavenging, Hemolysis and Reducing power, the results of test scavenging the free-radical DPPH• show the tannins extract had the best scavenging activity capacity than the other extracts (IC50: 14.94±1.34µg/mL), But, in the hemolysis test, all the extracts were proximity except for the aqueous extract that was shown protected of the erythrocytes (50±0.5% of hemolysis percentage). Finally, in the reducing power assay, its results showed that the tannins extract has a best reducing power 27.16±0.25µg/mL in Abs700= 0.5 compared to other extracts.
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Chouikh A, Houba Z, Himeur H, Alia F, Adjal E. Phytochemical Study, HPLC Chromatographic Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Ephedra alata DC. Female Cones Extracts. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2021; 14(4):259-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2021.00044
Chouikh A, Houba Z, Himeur H, Alia F, Adjal E. Phytochemical Study, HPLC Chromatographic Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Ephedra alata DC. Female Cones Extracts. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2021; 14(4):259-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2021.00044 Available on:
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