The kinetic solvent effect on the rate of reaction for the acid catalysed hydrolysis of propyl methanoate has been studed in different compositions (30 to70%) of aqueous mixture of prpanol-2(v/v) over the different ranges of temperature(20 to 400 c). The reaction followed second order kimnetics. With addition of solvent the rate of reaction decreases progressively. The energy of activation (Ec) is calculated with the help of Arrhenius plots with reciprocal of absolute temperature. Linear relation has been observed for the plots of logk against different dielectric values of propanol-2. The effect of solvent on thermodynamic parameter has also been discussed and calculated with wynne Jones and Eyring equation. The nature of solvent-solute interaction has been explained by calculation Iso-kinetic temperature.
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AK. Singh, Navneet Kr. Vishnoi. Mechanism and solvent kinetics of acid catalysed Hydrolysis of Propyl Methanoate in Binary-Solvent system of water and Propanol-2. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 2023; 16(3):246-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2023.00041
AK. Singh, Navneet Kr. Vishnoi. Mechanism and solvent kinetics of acid catalysed Hydrolysis of Propyl Methanoate in Binary-Solvent system of water and Propanol-2. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 2023; 16(3):246-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2023.00041 Available on: https://www.ajrconline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2023-16-3-11
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