Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Chandrashekhar Patil, Sunil Mahajan, Deepak Sonawane, Nikita Khairnar, Mayur Bhamare
Ganesh Sonawane*, Kajal Pansare, Chandrashekhar Patil, Sunil Mahajan, Deepak Sonawane, Nikita Khairnar, Mayur Bhamare
Divine College of Pharmacy, Satana Dist: Nashik-423301, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 6,
Year - 2024
Groundwater is a critical resource for drinking and agriculture in the Baglan region of Maharashtra, India. This study focuses on assessing the concentrations of sodium (Na?) and potassium (K?) in borewell water samples from six locations: Taharabad, Satana, Nampur, Bramhangaon, Deola, and Nirpur. Samples were collected once during January 2024, ensuring proper sampling techniques and preservation. The analysis was performed using flame photometry, a reliable and cost-effective method for quantifying alkali metals in water. Sodium concentrations ranged from 7.36 to 9.94 mg/L, while potassium levels varied between 5.25 and 7.27 mg/L, both within permissible limits established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Higher concentrations in samples from Nampur and Nirpur suggest possible anthropogenic influences, such as fertilizer use, and geological variations. The study underscores the potential health implications of ion levels in drinking water and their impact on soil salinity and agricultural productivity. While sodium levels are safe for consumption, potassium concentrations near the upper threshold highlight the need for continuous monitoring. Recommendations include raising awareness about sustainable agricultural practices, implementing water quality management strategies, and conducting further research to analyze seasonal variations and additional ion parameters. These findings are crucial for ensuring the safe and sustainable use of groundwater in the region.
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Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Chandrashekhar Patil, Sunil Mahajan, Deepak Sonawane, Nikita Khairnar, Mayur Bhamare. Determination of Sodium and Potassium in Groundwater (Borewell) Samples of Baglan Region of Maharashtra by Flame Photometry. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(6):363-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00061
Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Chandrashekhar Patil, Sunil Mahajan, Deepak Sonawane, Nikita Khairnar, Mayur Bhamare. Determination of Sodium and Potassium in Groundwater (Borewell) Samples of Baglan Region of Maharashtra by Flame Photometry. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(6):363-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00061 Available on:
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