S.R Verma, P.R Chaudhari, R.K. Singh, S.R. Wate
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S.R Verma1*, P.R Chaudhari 1, R.K. Singh1 and S.R. Wate2
1EIRA Division, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020 (India)
2Director, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020 (India)
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 5,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2012
The present work was carried out to assess the environmental aspects of tailing ponds of Bolani iron ore mines in Orissa, India. Tailings pond water was slightly alkaline with negligible nutrient contents, trace concentration of metals except Cu, Cr & Fe and low productivity of phytoplankton showing presence of organic pollution indicators. The tailings are non-toxic for biological growth and would not adversely affect the receiving water on discharge or ground water through seepage or wildlife depending on water bodies receiving tailing pond water. After the tailings pond get filled up, the tailings need to be either stabilized by developing vegetation cover over it to check erosion and pollution of downstream water bodies or recycle and reuse of tailings in steel industries are suggested in the study.
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S.R Verma, P.R Chaudhari, R.K. Singh, S.R. Wate. Impacts due to Tailings Ponds on Water Quality and Biological Environment: A Case Study. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(2): February 2012; Page 239-244.
S.R Verma, P.R Chaudhari, R.K. Singh, S.R. Wate. Impacts due to Tailings Ponds on Water Quality and Biological Environment: A Case Study. Asian J. Research Chem. 5(2): February 2012; Page 239-244. Available on: