Amara Hima, Amira Ouakkaf
Amara Hima1*, Amira Ouakkaf2
1Department of Earth and universe sciences, Mohamed Khider University, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
2Department of Matter Sciences, Mohamed Khider University, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2022
The recycling of household waste through the anaerobic digestion of solid household waste into biogas represents one of the current topics that address the issues and environmental sustainability: renewable energy, depollution in urban ecology, methanogens in green chemistry. In this research, this contribution deals with the experimental digestion of household food waste (HFW) and vegetable, fruit and garden waste (VFG), using a chemical reactors, in order to evaluate the effect of temperature in the different phases, of 25oC, 35oC, 45oC, 55oC, and 65oC, at different Dry/humidity ratios: 40%, 50%, and 60%, on the production rate of biogas, in the food waste of the inhabitants of the city of Ouargla in Sahara (Algeria) (presentational sampling in terms of the amount of protein-rich and fatty food waste, and the ambient temperature). The result of research revealed that (under high temperature and wetting conditions) show the impact of the proteins and fats in the food waste on the high amount of biogas emitted (100% augmented) compared to the vegetable, fruit and garden waste.
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Amara Hima, Amira Ouakkaf. Digestion and recovery of household waste (food) into biogas: The case study Ouargla city in Sahara- Algeria. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2022; 15(1):59-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00009
Amara Hima, Amira Ouakkaf. Digestion and recovery of household waste (food) into biogas: The case study Ouargla city in Sahara- Algeria. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2022; 15(1):59-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00009 Available on:
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